WYDF is our annual ritual of celebrating the creativity, courage and talent of young people. The festival centres young people living and going to school in Walker, with our very own Walker Youth Dance Project taking the lead on the festival.
In addition, every year in the lead up to the festival we place an artist in the secondary schools in Walker, to create a new piece for the festival over 16 workshops, and we invite other dance groups from the East End and further afield to perform too. On the day, all dancers have a workshop with a guest artist, in a style of dance that may be new to them, receive a rose after their performance, and at the end we all have ice cream!
The festival aims to give young people a platform in their own community to shine, to reclaim spaces that have experienced disruptive behaviour, and to give our community an opportunity to show support for young people and celebrate them.
The festival will be back in July 2024, for its 3rd year! You can watch the films from 2022, and 2023 below.
If you, or your group would like to perform at the next festival, please email community@companyofothers.org.uk to express an interest.
If your company would like to sponsor the festival, please email katie@companyofothers.org.uk.